Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No Union Contributions

A very high percentage of union political contributions are made to Democrats and while it may be true that more than half of union members vote for Democrats, it is highly unlikely that it is in the same proportion as the donations. Why should a steelworker in Pennsylvania (who votes Republican) have money deducted from his pay in the form of union dues so that the union can funnel that money to a Democrat running for office in California? It makes no sense! But then no one would suggest our campaign financing laws make sense. With nearly 40% of union members being registered Republicans, it is tantamount to extortion.

If a union believes a candidate's election would be good for the union's membership, it can make that case to the qualified voters who can then personally donate to the candidate. After all, the union knows where its members live and can easily lobby these qualified voters. Of course, the qualified voter/union member might be awakened to the issues and actually donate to a Republican! No union leader wants that to happen.
It's time we stopped this extortion by unions and free the workers from their masters.

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