Thursday, June 7, 2012

Theft by Unions

I am on record as being unconditionally against campaign contributions by corporations. I am equally opposed to unions making contributions and the validity of that position has been reinforced by the Wisconsin recall election which Governor Walker won handily. It has now come to light that 38% of union members who voted cast ballots to retain the governor. This is in the face of unions misappropriating their members' dues to support the ouster of Walker. Using members' dues to support candidates for whom many members would not vote is tantamount to theft by the union. Unions and corporations should be banned from making campaign contributions.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

This is Over the Top!

The city of Buffalo has 29% of it's population living below the poverty level as defined by the Federal government. Despite this, Buffalo teachers have medical coverage that includes elective plastic surgery. This is what happens when you allow a union through its political contributions to pick who sits on BOTH sides of the bargaining table. Unions should be banned from making such contributions.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Public Employee Unions

If you have read the earlier posts on this blog, you know I believe union contributions should be outlawed (as well as corporate ones). It should be obvious that donations by public employee unions are most corrupt.
In any labor negotiation each party gets to select who will represent them at the bargaining table...except when the negotiations involve public employees. In that case, the union because of its support of candidates gets to pick who sits on BOTH sides of the table. That is a preposterous situation and should be changed. Wisconsin's recent action brings some cure to that but total elimination of union campaign contributions would end this corrupt situation.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Agreeing with Democrats...Partly!

It's rare that I agree with Congressional Democrats but they are almost getting it right relative to their latest move with respect to restricting companies that received TARP funds from making political donations. I say "almost" because their position only applies to companies but not to the unions. As anyone reading my previous posts knows, I believe unions should be on the same basis as corporations. And, of course, I would go much further by outlawing corporate and union contributions...TOTALLY! Only quaiifed voters should be able to make contributions to candidates for whom they can vote.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why Donors Donate

Why do donors donate? In the case of unions and corporations the gifts have strings attached. Neither of these are altrusitic entities seeking the greater good. If you believe they are, I have a bridge I want to sell you! Unions and corporations donate so they can get something from the candidate if elected. If you don't believe me, look at how many donors give funds to both candidates. That's known as "covering you bets" where I come from. Someone might say that all they want is the candidate's ear. Well, I can guarantee you they don't want his ear so they can tell him how much they love him!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

No PAC's, No Bundling!

In a "no limits, full disclosure" world, tracing contributions is critical. Consequently, all contributions must be made by individuals, that is "qualified voters." That rules out contributions by PAC's and there should be no more "bundling" where a contribution's origin gets lost.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No Union Contributions

A very high percentage of union political contributions are made to Democrats and while it may be true that more than half of union members vote for Democrats, it is highly unlikely that it is in the same proportion as the donations. Why should a steelworker in Pennsylvania (who votes Republican) have money deducted from his pay in the form of union dues so that the union can funnel that money to a Democrat running for office in California? It makes no sense! But then no one would suggest our campaign financing laws make sense. With nearly 40% of union members being registered Republicans, it is tantamount to extortion.

If a union believes a candidate's election would be good for the union's membership, it can make that case to the qualified voters who can then personally donate to the candidate. After all, the union knows where its members live and can easily lobby these qualified voters. Of course, the qualified voter/union member might be awakened to the issues and actually donate to a Republican! No union leader wants that to happen.
It's time we stopped this extortion by unions and free the workers from their masters.